Saturday, February 6, 2010

How does a new shower make a person so much happier???

I can tell you the answer to this question: it's the mold-freeness of it all.  We had all our showers (2) and our old tub (1) ripped out and they were replaced today.  Nothing fancy - just lovely and clean. Oh - and not caramel marble coloured.  The shower in our ensuite made me literally afraid before.  What the heck could make little spots of black just appear on the walls of the dang thing?  Mold - and it's gone gone gone!!

Seems to me the whole point of a bathroom is getting clean - and we're that much closer to fulfilling those obligations.  Thank you fiberglass insert.

Did I choose tile?  No.  Why?  Well, eventually tile grout gets creepy.  AND it seems to me that it gets creepy sooner rather than later.  Go ahead make the walls all pretty and fancy.  For instance, we spent a small fortune on vanities, and faucets (why so much for them I wonder???)....  But the actual bathing area is sparkly white and squeaky clean.

We also got a tub for the main bath that is oh-so-deep.  No jets.  Has anyone ever REALLY enjoyed the jet experience?  As far as I know - no, but I am willing to be corrected on that, just not in my own bathroom.  Ours will just be a lovely soaker.  I so call dibs on the first soak!

Love it, love it, love it.

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